Thursday, February 14, 2008

So, it has been two weeks. I would love to say, "there is so much to tell," but there really isn't. The only exciting thing I have done was probably going to Savannah and stomping around my old town. It is amazing to me how easily I forget how much I absolutely LOVE that town. It is just a beautiful wonderful slow-paced town. And I really mean beautiful. I love the people, the streets, the squares, the trees, the old homes and row houses, and I love how my alma mater has just incorporated this awesome school smack in the middle of it. It's awesome...

Anyway, other than that little excursion, not too much has happened. I have started working on a new series of paintings. They are mini paintings. About 3 inches by 3 inches. At first, I thought, awesome, little paintings, I can knock several out a week, boy was I wrong. I have found myself constantly staring at them and changing something. In 9 square inches! I love it though, it is fun to try and get that intimate with my work. I have always preferred to paint on a much larger scale (well, anything is larger than 3 x 3) and so I am really engaged and into what I am doing. I am finding that I have to step out of my painting box and the subjects I have been so comfortable with in the past and really adapt to my size constraints. So, all in all, it has kind of flipped my methods. Rather than pick a subject and then accommodate that subject with the correct size panel or canvas or paper, I am picking the latter first, and then letting my subject sort of fall out of my brush. New and intriguing! For sure!

Oh, wait, something BIG did happen... My Young Life group moved to its new location, THE BARN, and we had VDTPGORCSM 2K8-- okay, it means Valentine's Day Tacky Prom Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Social Mixer 2008. There were close to a hundred kids and leaders dressed in some pretty tacky garb, and we danced and had singled out and guitar and more games and our talk. There was even a wall decorated for "prom pictures." It was awesome. Here is the group shot!

Anyway, it was fun and I think that all the kids had a great time as well.

So... that's about it for lately. It is Valentine's Day. So, on that note, I hope that all the lovebirds have a wonderful lovey dovey time. Me, on the other hand, I will be taking my favorite 6 year old and my favorite 3 year old to Frontera, our favorite Mexican restaurant, to dinner. They are my Valentine's.

: )