Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kid's Birthdays

So, yesterday was Rhett's (the 6 year old i take care of) birthday. It was a normal kid birthday.. the balloons in the morning, cookie cake for breakfast, one present to open before school, etc. It is also one of the worst days of the year for siblings. It is one day when it is just not about them.

Chapman, the newly three-year old, just didn't understand why he didn't get presents, or balloons. It is almost heart-breaking. He was constantly asking, "Dessie (that's what he calls me), where is my present? It's my berfday. I need to open my present." That cute little face with those huge blue eyes, and that white blond hair just tugged at my heartstrings. All the while, Rhett is, in his matter-of-fact-I'm-the-big-brother tone, trying to explain to him, "Chapman, it is NOT your birthday, it is MINE. You don't get presents. Only I do. You can watch me open them. Oh, and here, you can have a piece of MY cake."

"Otay," as his head drops and he sulks to his seat at the breakfast table. And anyway, Rhett is off to school and I, for the rest of the morning, let Chapman think it's his "berfday" and let him play with balloons, etc.

This worked until it was time to take the cupcakes to Rhett's school to hand out at lunch. In the cafeteria, it wasn't even so much about the cupcakes as much as it was about the fact that Chapman didn't understand why he didn't have lunch like all of the other kids. "Dessie, when are they going to bring me my food?" (I think he thought we were at a restaurant.) I mean, poor kid.

If that wasn't pitiful enough, later on that afternoon when some older kids were around to celebrate and play with Rhett around the house, it was just taxing to watch Chapman trying to keep up with them. He was constantly yelling, "Wet! Wet! Wet! Wait for me! Wet! Wait!" (Wet is what he calls Rhett)

I guess growing up with a brother, and him being a year younger than myself, I never really understood this longing to be with the older sibling and be like them and do what they did, etc. I mean, I can compare it to watching television and wanting to be like the DJ Tanner, and Kelly Taylor, or my favorite singer or movie star, but this between the boys is so much more intimate and heart-warming. For all of the bickering and tattling and arguing and whatever else little boys do, to see the longing of Chapman to want to be like Rhett really touched my heart.

Needless to say, this morning Chapman's birthday fever had not subsided, so after Rhett left for school, he insisted on "making a wish.'' Thus, we repeatedly lit the number 6 candle and i sang "Happy Birthday" oh, about 7 times.

I hope all those wishes come true.

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