Thursday, January 31, 2008

One month down

Well, January is almost over. It sure has flown. And lots sure has happened. In my first blog i mentioned my goals. Well, I am happy to report that the attempted attaining of these goals is progressing nicely. I am learning, for sure, and have realized that it is okay to make mistakes. Everyone does it. And I am also learning to learn from them. One of my favorite quotes of all times is from Mahatma Gandhi, "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." Somehow, this gives hope to the entire idea of mistakes. It gives one the go-ahead to learn from them. Woo Hoo, Gandhi!

As far as my next goal, Killing with kindness, I am still trying to figure out exactly why it is so important to do this. Some of those who you try to apply this concept to really, truly, just don't deserve it. I think it best to ignore and move on. Why try when people still hold grudges and act petty and immature? Honestly, they are worth none of my time. I have been inspired by a book I read, "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it has made me realize that by dwelling on past and negativity you are stealing time away from yourself and your happiness. So, I will still apply the concept of killing with kindness to all whom deserve it, but as for those who don't, I am too excited about the future and my happiness and my life to worry and ponder past confrontations and ridiculous accusations and issues that people who aren't worth my time have with me. I'm not being petty, I'm just beyond it.

As for the last goal, Loving myself.... It is getting easier. I am happy in my everyday life, and I am happy with those close to me, and I am happy with those who don't judge and love like love is supposed to be given, and I am so thankful for an extended family who has been nothing but supportive and loving and unconditional through these past couple of weeks when it seems the world turned upside down. All of these things, along with the cleaning out of my mind of negative things and people, and my daily talks with God, have made it easier to begin to see all of the good. It is so awesome. I can compare it to a doctor's visit when I was younger. I had been having trouble seeing in my first grade class, so my parents took me to the eye doctor. They concluded that I definitely needed glasses and they would put my first pair on priority with their lens cutters. Two days later, I was back in the office and the doctor was placing my new glasses on my face. I distinctly remember feeling a little funny and unsteady on my feet for the first few minutes. However, as soon as I stepped out of the door to the outside, it was like someone had taken Windex to my eyes and everything was vivid and clear. Color was the perfect color and everything was proportioned exactly right. It was amazing.

That is how I have felt lately with my new take on things. Though I am still clearing away the cobwebs and streaks, things are coming into perspective and becoming clearer and clearer with each passing day. And I am content. I know not everything is in its place at the moment, but everything seems to be on the right path!

God Bless! Happy January!!!!!

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